
Interested in membership of Rosyth Community Projects?

Thanks for taking an interest in what we do. Did you know that you can become a Member of Rosyth Community Projects Limited (RCPL) who run Rosyth Community Hub and employ our Hub & Gardening Staff, manage volunteers and help deliver the Edible and Tasty Spaces – EATS Rosyth project in partnership with Rosyth Community Council? Our members play a key role in setting our priorities, through volunteering and engaging in projects or by joining our Board of Directors.
RCPL aims to:
1. Advance environmental protection and improvement of the town through awareness raising and practical projects in the Rosyth area.
2. Make Rosyth ‘greener’ and reduce carbon emissions by growing, using and cooking local, seasonal and waste food and by developing environmentally friendly projects in Rosyth.
3. Engage and develop other projects that will make Rosyth a better place to live, work and play with a view to advancing citizenship and community development.

To apply for FREE membership, just complete this form: